Your Responsibilities
As a member of AmeriHealth Caritas North Carolina, you agree to:
Find out how your health plan coverage works and follow plan guidelines.
Supply information (to the extent possible) that the organization and its practitioners and providers need in order to provide care.
Notify AmeriHealth Caritas North Carolina and your health care providers of any changes that may affect your participation, health care needs, or benefits, such as pregnancy, birth of a baby, change of address or phone number, other health insurance, special medical conditions, a change in primary care provider (PCP), change in family size, or relocation to another county or state.
Use the emergency department only for emergencies.
Call your PCP when you need medical care, even if it is after-hours.
Follow plans and instructions for care that you have agreed to with your health care providers.
Understand your health problems, and participate in developing mutually agreed-upon treatment goals, to the degree possible, including:
- Making appointments with your PCP and keeping appointments.
- Cancelling appointments when you cannot make the appointment. If you must cancel, call as soon as you can.
- Make sure your information is up to date with your local Department of Social Services.
- Call or go back to your PCP if you do not get better or ask for a second opinion.
- Treat health care staff with respect and dignity.
- Contact AmeriHealth Caritas North Carolina when you have questions or tell us if you have any problems with any health care staffs by calling Member Services at 1-855-375-8811 (TTY 1-866-209-6421).
How you can help with plan policies
We value your ideas. You can help us develop policies that best serve our members. We have several member committees in our health plan or with North Carolina, like:
- AmeriHealth Caritas North Carolina Member Advisory Committee (MAC)
- AmeriHealth Caritas North Carolina Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Advisory Committee
- Medical Care Advisory Committee (MCAC)
- State Consumer and Family Advisory Committee (CFAC)
Call Member Services at 1-855-375-8811 (TTY 1-866-209-6421) to learn more about your responsibilities and how you can help.